Author: Keneth Twesigye

I am a passionate writer, entrepreneur, and mentor. I look forward to empowering a new breed of young entrepreneurs capable of transforming Africa’s economy through improving early stage business operations, strategy development, profitability and performance.

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Fortnyte Series Episod 12

At the heart of the services we offer is our Capacity Building and Training; a core service that provides our clients with training, guidance, advice [...]

How imposition of Western Culture has affected Africanlifestyle

As style trends get elusive, our fellow countrymen and women get victimized to the immoral and antisocial acts against the African culture. Last y [...]

Costly Graduation Party; Is It Really Worth it?

Earlier, I attended some graduation ceremonies of my cousins who had finished their courses at Kyambogo and Makerere Universities. They were separate [...]

You Don’t Need A Ton Of Money To Kick Start Your Small Business

They started with shoestring capital but the business they run today has changed their lives and the lives of those around UTAMU campus in some way. [...]
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